If interested in any of the Lake EZE products, please call us at 205-525-5562 or email us at office@riversedgemarina.net

Lake Eze Ladder
Our exclusive, patented LakeEze® Ladder provides a sleek, modern design to help create the perfect lakeside solution to getting in and out of the water from your dock. With multiple new step colors to choose from, these perforated steps provide an extra measure of stability and safety for family and pets. Furthermore, our industry-leading “EzePull” technology effortlessly helps raise or lower the LakeEze® Ladder, making it one of the easiest products to operate on the market.

Lake EZE Stow & Go
Our exclusive, patented LakeEze® Stow & Go is a dockside storage and launch system for kayaks that makes accessing your kayak much safer and more enjoyable. The frame is designed to keep the stored kayak in an angled LakeEze Stow & Go position so no rain gets inside and it’s stored above the water line.